'Selfie trend is getting a bit sinister'
-The Telegraph, March 2014
This outfit post has been evolving for a while. I had the dreaded Storage Full thing on my phone so went about deleting everything surplus to requirement from my handheld. I embarked on a journey through my photographs and initially I happened upon a variety of selfies (body not face - nothing worth hacking into my iCloud for) taken in the loos of St John - sounds a bit grotty but they just so happen to be the whitest, cleanest WCs in London and have the best mirror for a full body outfit shot. So this post started as 'St John Selfies' throughout the year. But I only found about four which maybe was not enough to keep anyone interested. Coming across another series of photographs taken in three different musical venues over the summer, therefore three different sets of clothes, I thought this post could be called something reeeally imaginative like 'Gigs - What I Wore'. The variety of artists being Paloma Faith at The Roundhouse, Jonathan Wilson at Village Underground and One Direction at Wembley. One evening of lipstick and saxophones followed by beards, harmonicas and patchouli, finishing off with screaming, sherbet and cherry chap-sticks but blog-post wise I still wasn't feeling enthused. And then I wore boring things to the Paloma gig so that plan was scuppered.
It shortly afterwards became a post about my mini trip to the States. A bit of a 'Miami Vice' vibe but I wasn't very committed to the idea and sort of ended up just wearing a bikini and floaty things and taking a few snaps that I thought were good to go. That was until my friend and I lay on sun loungers next to supermodel Erin Wasson for an afternoon and I ended up deleting all my photographs and vowing to only eat broccoli and smoke cigarettes for the rest of my life.
Then just before I decided that it would be a full on shameless selfie post I was pouring over the weekend papers and read that Kim Kardashian is bringing out a book called 'Selfish' entirely of her and her bottom. It also reported that obsessive selfie-taking is now a recognised mental disorder. Argh! Quick! Delete! But then it seemed like such a waste. So before I consign most of these shots to the trash and free up some storage space - here are some of the clothes I have worn around the town, things I've tried on, things I've been given and things I can't wait to wear. There's no common theme except for the fact they're nearly all of me and lots have been taken in bathrooms around the world. A selfie-scrapbook if you will. I hope it doesn't make you feel the need to suggest I urgently require a stint in the Priory sans phone and mirrors.
First St. John Selfie. You may have seen this one before. |
Loos of LouLous |
My favourite Cedric Charlier bag which is having a moment again |
Close up of my dress from Lime Green Bow. |
Bathroom up The Shard. If you look carefully you'll see this is also a 'Belfie'.* |
Close up of my Zimmerman Splatter Dress |
Me wearing a sink and some tiles in Polpo |
St John Selfie #2 |
We went to a Caribbean music night in Miami. |
The pale pink bathrooms of Soho Beach House. Another favourite Zimmerman dress
which matched the interiors. |
Boring outfit for Paloma. |
St. John - last one. In my new favourite Zara dress which will see me
through these weird weather days. |
I was nearly sold on this Kate Moss for Topshop dress until I saw LiLo
falling out of a club in it. |
Obsessed with this Bonwitt Teller silk dress at Lime Green Bow. See it here. |
Favourite handbag. Apart from the fact I can only fit some earphones in it. |
Another wonderful handmade thing found in the charity shop on Notting Hill
Gate. It looks like a night sky. |
Kenneth Jay Lane Ring from eBay |
Victor Costa pale pink origami dress. Also from Lime Green Bow.
I am in love with this dress.
More on it soon. |
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Chanello |
GIFTS THAT WERE GIVEN (from people who clearly know me very well!)
Lucky me! A birthday gift. Viennese gem from a flea market. Emerald green is my
favourite colour. And my adored Amethyst ring from best friends. |
Lucky me again! Favourite birthday gift. I had been dreaming about owning this. My dream came true!
The most beautiful gold Bluebell pendant by Catherine Zoraida. |
Christmas present from my sister...VIP ONE DIRECTION tickets at Wembley! Hurray!
Up there with one of the best nights of my life. Dress from Topshop. |
One Direction gave us a watch! With their signatures on the back. Yes! |
I actually wear the watch...with my LLBean Tote. |
Things I will be wearing
ASOS Salon dress. |
I was going to show you this on the next post but I got too excited.
My magical Portobello blanket coat. More on this next time. |
Topshop. Too good. |
*Handy Glossary
Helfie: a selfie of hair
Belfie: a selfie of the derriere
Welfie: a work out selfie
Drelfie: a drunken selfie
Shelfie: a selfie of your bookshelf
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