The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to...
~F. Scott Fitzgerald
~F. Scott Fitzgerald
Night time can send me into a spin. Especially when my bedroom is boiling hot and I have a fan whirring near my head which has been the case for these past few weeks.Once I'm out that's pretty much it but it's the drifting off I find most hard. Never do I get more jealous than when my bedfellow falls first. Many a night have I spent counting sheep or trying to bore myself into oblivion. But then I start asking myself questions like 'What is beyond the Universe?' and seeing faces in my wardrobe...I am wide awake, heart racing.
I'm not mad keen on assisted sleep or swallowing handfuls of sedative hypnotics and waking up with a mouth that tastes like a pet shop, so, through good old trial and error I have discovered a few things that really work and really help me drift off to the land of Nod.
Firstly a good pair of pyjamas. In my initial foray into blogging I mentioned Poplin pyjamas (here) which are a complete wonder. They have a certain wholesomeness that is reminiscent of childhood bedtimes. I have the striped cotton ones which are glorious and when they're in the wash I wear the Indochine silk set. Apart from being beautifully silky and well cut they are insanely glamorous and make me feel very Hollywood starlet. They are slightly wasted on just me in my flat so I often try to find any opportunity to take the rubbish out again or greet the milkman, ask the neighbours for some sugar etc. If on the other hand you have no one to impress then in the winter I opt for an American Aparel onesie but woe betide anyone who wears this in front of people with eyes...even my family threatened to disown me once they'd glanced me in this oversized baby-grow. But if it's comfort you're after, this is just the ticket! But sexy, it is not.
I discovered This Works Deep Sleep range earlier this year. Their award winning pillow spray is quite exceptional. You only have to read the testimonials on their website to see that people all over the world swear by this stuff. I could not work out why I couldn't get out of bed in January and then realised it was purely down to the spray - you only need a small amount on your pillow just before Bedfordshire - I was merrily emptying half a bottle on to my pillows each night. It smells yummy too. Another notable product is Badger Balm Sleep Aid which is a tiny little pot and I don't know why a badger has anything to do with going to sleep (apart from that I look like one when I wake up) but who cares?! It works.

Which leads me on to silk pillowcases. You may laugh at me for sounding so precious but it's actually worth getting one of these. Apart from being lovely to lay your head on, they also stop ones face from looking like a crumpled receipt on waking the next morning.
I know you are now imagining me in some Barbara Cartlandseque boudoir with my silky drawers, scented pillowcases and pink toy poodles but I think it's all about atmosphere, drawing curtains, clean sheets and flowers next to your bed, because....well, why the hell not?! A White Company Mattress topper, lovely pjs and switching off all electrics in your room. That is, except my Roberts Radio. I often just tune into the Shipping Forecast....Viking, North Utsire, South Utsire, Forties, Cromarty, Forth, Tyne, Dogger...and before long it's zzzzzzzzzzz...

My bedside table

This is what I look like first thing in the morning...blissfully happy in my Poplin Pyjamas - a bit badger like.
Please ignore the kitchen knives top left.

My bedside table
This is what I look like first thing in the morning...blissfully happy in my Poplin Pyjamas - a bit badger like.
Please ignore the kitchen knives top left.
This is what I wish I looked can dream...
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