Monday 11 November 2013

New York...What I Wore By Day and By Night

“I regret profoundly that I was not an American and not born in Greenwich Village. It might be dying, and there might be a lot of dirt in the air you breathe, but this is where it's happening.” 
― John Lennon

John Lennon I hear ya! Oh to have an American passport so I could live freegally in the best place on earth! I'm in a New York state of mind. Actually scrap that, I'm ALWAYS in a New York state of mind. I have an ongoing love affair with the place. The land of the Cronut, cwaffee and cool cats. The capital of the cupcake. I just returned from a whistle-stop visit to top up my dosage of the coolest place on earth. I love every inch of it - the glamorous Park Avenuers and the downtown dawgs. You can turn a corner from the snazziest street into the dirtiest den. I always feel that it gives me the possibility to be whoever I want to be and wear what I want. Like living in a real life postcard and there's an avenue for every outfit!

On the surface it is much changed since I last visited, but to me, it is still the place I knew as an overly romantic 19 year old, listening to Leonard Cohen, and trying to become an actress but actually spanking all my rent money on clothes. I spent a very long time looking for a famous blue raincoat to wear and days scouring Salvation Army dollar shops for dresses. Hanging around The Chelsea Hotel (I remember it well) I searched high and low for earrings like Edie Segwicks and Breton tops to look like Warhol. I spent a week trying to locate the exact spot of The Factory and cried for an afternoon when I discovered it had been turned into a parking lot for some well-groomed Midtowners. I took a walk on the wild side to find Studio 54 only to realise it had closed in 1979 after being raided by the Inland Revenue. Days longing to be like Carrie my imaginary life I was running around town wearing Manolo Blahniks and a tutu...waiting for my Mr. Big.

In reality...I couldn't walk in heels and my Mr.Big came in the form of a jock from Ohio with a tattoo of a cartoon octopus on his chest. 'Octopus' being his wrestling nickname from college - arms everywhere.

This time I return with a song in my heart (something by Dylan most probs) and a rather anorexic looking bank account but happy as a clam. 


I took my new Sophie Hulme bag to the top of the Empire State building to show it the view. It's a superb winter handbag and goes with EVERYTHING.

I thought New York was the perfect place for the first outing of my Ginsberg is God jumper by Bella Freud. Especially here in Brooklyn where I thought the beatnik hipsters would appreciate it. Channelling Alexa Chung, just a bit less hungry. I walked past a man who whispered in passing "I tend to disagree" and then ran away. It's a sure fire conversation starter. Especially in New York.

Still wearing my Illesteva sunglasses as mentioned back in the summer. Best sunglasses.


Packing for a city trip is always a bit of a nightmare for me. I'm having a monochrome moment - it's either black or white (maybe with a bit of navy) - These tones are very conducive with city New York is not the cleanest place.I am currently living in my Liston Wool Dress in Coal Black from Acne and long waistcoats from Zara. They are absolutely brilliant - while it's not too cold. When it does get chilly I'll put a leather or fur coat underneath so the arms poke out. 

Liston Wool Grey Melange   Image 1 of STUDIO LONG VEST from Zara


Wearing vintage Givenchy dress from a flea market in Paris with nude heels from here and a wonderful Cedric Charlier bag (he used to be head designer at Cacharel) from Avenue 32. Avenue 32 is currently my favourite website to lose hours and hours has the most wonderful collection of interesting pieces and designers.

This is what the dress looks like up top. I don't tend to wear the ribbony bit in my hair because, let's face it, I look cuckoo.

I've just realised this is my eBay outfit! Wearing MSGM green skirt. Topshop Goat Coat similar here. My favourite Christian Louboutin shoes. Everything I'm wearing (apart from the clutch) I found on eBay - all items were brand new, unworn and most importantly, a smidge of the original price.

I bought my Goat Coat after seeing this picture of Edie Sedgwick. I mentioned her as one of my favourite fashion Goddeses here

This image came up on my Instagram feed. British Vogue upload images from their archive which is really wonderful. I saved this image (below) on my phone dreaming of owning a similar dress one day... you can imagine my delight when I came across this Pierrot dress from the wonderful Merchant Archive on Kensington Park Road. The perfect dress for a night clowning about on the tiles. They have the most INSANE collection of vintage bits and bobs. I want everything in the shop. It's well worth a visit if you're in the area. Sorry I know I'm meant to be writing about New York...I tend to get distracted.

Merchant Archive Pierrot Dress

I am currently sitting at my desk with my Statue of Liberty (interesting fact: the actual one has a 35 foot waistline - nearly the same as mine after all those Cronuts). I am eating Lifesavers from a box,using Visine eye drops (illegal over here, but brilliant!) to combat the red-eye and swallowing handfuls of Advil to stave off my jet-lag/hangover from Hells Kitchen. 

Most photos credited to A. Lintell
Other photos: Zara, Acne Studios, Merchant Archive, Instagram

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